I spent the last month in a whirlwind, planning a move to LA. I determined that it was the place to be for writing, especially TV, and that if not now, when? So here I am, in my new apartment between Culver City and Century City, knowing that not too far away are all the studios and agencies and places that are just waiting to hire me. Right now, it's a bit of settling in and job hunting. Since I know a lot of blog readers are interested in the job search, I'll try my best to keep everyone updated on how things are going.
So far...I have a couple informational interviews lined up, I keep meeting people who know people who are passing along contact info, and I've applied to practically every job on the UTA joblist. As expected, the cold call applications haven't done much for me -- but I've only applied to a few in the week I've actually lived here, and I get that no one wants to hire someone who isn't physically in the state yet.
I'm trying my best to jump right in. I attended a panel last night at 826LA about women TV writers. The panelists were FANTASTIC, just such warm people with good info and a good outlook. I'll post my notes on that a bit later. But I was delighted to have a great conversation with the lovely Amy Berg, formerly of Leverage, currently of Eureka. It's a little crazy moving into an apartment, figuring out LA traffic and crazy drivers (never thought I'd miss NYC driving), keeping up with script reading, looking for a job, and networking. But it's the hustle, and if I can juggle all of these things, certainly I'll be able to juggle a 14 hour a day schedule in a writer's room.
2 months ago